Sunday, 23 August 2009

Patrick Hill- Artist

I loved this sculpture and the information and thought behind it.  The sculpture is by Patrick Hill and is about the entertwining of philosophical ideals in art history.  The sculpture is made from strong solid substances such as such as stone metal and glass.  Patrick Hill combines form with painting in this composition. I loved the smudged purple, red and blues on the canvas which is a result of hand dying.  The colours for this piece were apparently gained from plants, fruits and vegetables at the core of nature.  I personally think this piece of structured artwork is a balance between contemporary structured art and natural pieces of nature.  I also think from a personal view,  this piece looks quite mystical, with its circular piece balanced on the top of the sculpture, I think looks like it resembles the moon the smudgy colours blended together also create that dark mystical space atmosphere.  The segment of the circle that is coloured also reminds me of the moon as sometimes only part of the moon appears.  Hill has managed to combine structure and the core of nature in one simple art piece.

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