I brought a book today, the book that is featured to the left "Advertising Next". I am really intrested in creative advertising and this book features 150 of the best campaigns that are modern and relate to todays up and coming society. I have chosen one campaign to talk about from the book that I think reflects the 21st century of advertising. An advert that until this age of advertising could possible be frowned upon. This advert also tickles my humour and I found it quite funny. The images to go with this campaign I have scanned from the book. The campaign was to gain publicity leading up the premiere of "Parco Pl" on the American network Court TV. The tv show is about adultory, cheating and gossip as most sitcoms are. It was about a girl called Emily who found out that her husband was cheating on her. She started a blog, posting pictures of what she had done to her husbands car, a billboard she had paid to be created and even posters with his picture on entitled "lost dog"- personally i thought this was quite funny and a warning to all those cheating men, a glance at the worst nightmare sernario! As quoted in the book "every cheating mans worst nightmare". Within a few days the blog had loads of hits and emilys story was publicised promoting this new tv show. The campaign was covered by over 200 news sources. An excellent warning to those cheating guys and also a brillient PR stunt!
I have just finished my degree at Leeds University studying Graphic Design and communication. I obtained a BA honours degree -classification 2:1. I am currently seeking employment in the design industry!
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