Sunday, 12 July 2009

Fruit Carrier- design

I went to Marlow today and as I was walking round the shops I wandered into "Cargo", a well known homeware store and the product on the left caught my eye. A product that solves an old age problem that has been around for years! When packing your lunch for work or uni- a healthy option is to take fruit, but I am always put off as by the time it comes to lunch time, your friut has been in your bag for a good couple of hours and is nice and battered and briused from where you have been running for the bus, accidently dropped your bag, somebody has bumped into you etc. This product "the inflatable fruit carrier"- you pop your piece of friut into the carrier, close it and then inflate the carrier by blowing it up. Your chosen piece of fruit is then protected until lunch time! When you come to eat it, it is still fresh and free from bruises. This product I thought was amazing- encouraging people to hit their 5 a day friut intake and offers a practical solution to an ongoing problem over the years!!!

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